Crispy Duck Legs with Rosemary, Sage and baby potatoes

On a few recent trips to visit my family in England, I’ve had the pleasure of feasting on duck legs and I’ve really grown to love them.  One of my sisters knows that I love them, so she always has them for one of the meal rotations when I spend the week with her.  All that’s really required is a bit of olive oil, salt and pepper and they taste ever so good.  But knowing how I love to use fresh herbs, I thought to add some rosemary and sage leftover from Thanksgiving.

Now these aren’t readily available in the more common grocery stores around here.  But when I did find them only recently at one of the stores, I grabbed a couple and here’s how they turned out.  I do wonder at times why duck isn’t as readily available as it is elsewhere.  The other day I saw a whole frozen rabbit, I was tempted to try it, but I’ve never cooked rabbit before either, a rabbit stew perhaps?  Back to the duck 🙂

So basically I added some salt, pepper and lemon juice, chopped up some fresh rosemary, sage and garlic and baked it in the oven at 325 deg F for under an hour.  I browned it under the broiler so the skin and baby potatoes would get crispy.

Voila! Just like I remember, when enjoying it in England.  Made some gravy from the juices and enjoyed it with steamed veggies.  Simple and straightforward.


13 thoughts on “Crispy Duck Legs with Rosemary, Sage and baby potatoes

    1. You’re absolutely right Julie – simple with the addition of fresh herbs was a treat! I hope you enjoyed the Christmas holidays, wishing you and John all the very best for 2019.

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  1. Australians re not really ‘ducky’ people either but most supermarkets, even our country ones, do carry – goose is the one for which one has to go to a specialist store . . . have not made for awhile: because of its very definite taste your mode of cooking methinks is most welcome ! I love rabbit: not a ‘big thing’ here either but try to buy and follow some moreish British recipes: they seem to have bunnies under every hedge . . . 🙂 !

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha ha unfortunately we do have bunnies every hedge too. 🙂 I hope you had a good holiday season, or a good rest from work if you had a few days off. Here’s wishing you a very blessed and peaceful 2019. Cheers!


    1. Thanks Frank, and welcome to my blog 🙂 Yes, unfortunately duck is not as readily available around here either. But I might have found a supermarket that does stock them albeit at a price! On my way to check out your blog now 🙂


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